Fabric Stores

One of the bad things of living near the beach, at least where I am, is there is not a big city nearby. Which means, no big-city resources. A lack of events and culture are one thing. A lack of stores and access to supplies is another.

I could go on and on about the lack of good grocery stores. Oh, how I miss having a Sprouts or a Trader Joe's! But mainly I'm talking about fabric supply. While I was in Atlanta, I went to a couple fabric stores. It was so enjoyable wandering the aisles of a place that had decent fabrics. And SO MANY options! All on rolls, not bolts. And good quality fabrics too, including real wool, lace, and silk.

I came home with a few silks and a ton of buttons. I didn't need much as this particular store's inventory is all dead-stocked. Once it's gone, it's gone; there is no guarantee I could get any more of it if I sell out and need more, so it's not good for my collection pieces. But I am planning a line of hair products which don't require a lot of fabric per piece, but require real silk. I can't find real silk near me, and ordering it is expensive, so I took at look at their options and found a few that will work. They actually didn't have exactly what I was looking for, but they are beautiful fabrics that will work well for what I'm planning.

The buttons I found are pretty cool. I always look for ones that are a bit different, odd shapes or textures. These will work well for my collection pieces because I don't need very many buttons for my designs. And they don't need to match, so if I sell out and cannot find more, it's not the end of the world.

I'm excited to get to work with these fabrics. I'm also very excited because I'll be taking photos of everything soon, and will finally be able to start sharing my collection!


Dressing Rooms


Atlanta Apparel Market