Mother’s Day

My family has been very supportive of this venture and helping me out whenever possible. My mom especially has been very giving of her time and more. She’s visited me and spent nights on my couch just to help me get shit done. She’s walked my dog and cleaned my kitchen, and helped me print and cut labels. She’s tried on all the clothes and given me ideas and suggestions, and she doesn’t know it yet, but I’ll have her helping me sew soon enough! Most days, I feel so over whelmed with the amount of work I need to do, either with this business or just in life, and she listens to me complain every. single. day.

I don’t show it enough, but I’m very grateful for all that she’s given and helped me with. I’m lucky to have been able to spend mother’s day with my mom and all my family. It was a great day off, on the water with wonderful people, and hopefully we’ll get to do more of it. It was a nice reminder of what I’m working for and toward, and I’m just really glad I could have that time with my family.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom! I’m really grateful for all you do for me and I love you!


Sewing Saturday


Collection Launch