New Beginnings, New Business

The past month has been about transitions for me. I’ve had to let go of things that were not meant for me and remove toxic, painful relationships. And in that process, I’ve had to start building a new life for myself. I’m starting all over again, for the umpteenth time in my life, but unlike before, this one feels different. Like this is gonna be the one. Finally. Because, frankly, it has to be. I have no back up plan. I have nothing to fall back on. I have no choice but to make this work.

What exactly constitutes the beginning of a new business? Is it the when you get your brilliant idea? Is it the when you form the LLC? When you get a logo and a domain and all your visual and marketing assets created? Is it when you buy your first supplies or round of materials or tools? Or is it when you make your first sale?

I’ve done all those things already. My idea for Remarkable Red came several months ago and it felt like such a duh moment. How had I never thought of that before? I bought a domain, created a logo, ordered business cards and started building my website. I filed for the LLC and opened accounts with the business name. I spent weeks designing and creating samples of my first collection and ordered more than 100 yards of fabric to create the full spectrum of the collection. I even drove 2 hours away to pick up a brand new, industrial sewing machine so that I could work efficiently and create quickly. I’ve even made my first sale, although, it wasn’t related to my collection and was more of a sewing service.

After all this, I feel as though I’m still building my business, not quite operating it yet. That leads me to believe that a business hasn’t truly begun until sales start and the money starts coming in. But I know I’ve built it well and have a good foundation and plan for sales. I’m ready and excited and scared and hopeful all at once.


Happy 2023!