Summer Solstice

Happy first day off summer!

There’s something about the summer solstice that I’ve always loved. The longest day of year brings about change, and with it a reflection of what the year has brought so far, with hope and inspiration for the rest of the year to come. A change in season is as good a time as any to practice some gratitude and self-reflection.

I’ve decided to delve into my spiritual practice a bit more. It’s been a hard year, for a lot of people. Personally, I feel pulled in a lot of different directions, and I’m struggling to make sense of some very basic things. So the best way I know to handle that is to get back to the basics. And by that I mean, grounding and stability. Building a solid foundation to grow this life and this business on.

The solstice is a time to set some intentions. I intend to make my business grow and thrive. I intend to live a happy, healthy, positive life. I intend practice yoga and meditation on daily basis. And I intend to find the joy in my days, both large and small.

What intentions do you have for this lovely summer solstice?




Self Compassion