Kismetic Ideas

Why did it take me so long to come up with the idea that seems so perfect for me? Why had I never thought to design for redheads before now? It's such a simple and obvious idea.

I believe things happen for a reason. Every job I've ever worked, every relationship and friendship I've ever had... those things were in my life to teach me something or provide opportunities that I needed at that time. Or I was meant to teach or provide for someone else. Either way, I needed all of those experiences, good and bad, because I learned a lot of life lessons from all of it. I'm still learning; I will never stop learning. But I think I've finally learned enough to take this on.

Red is a good idea, and I think it was too good of an idea to come to me before I was ready. All those life experiences and lessons were prepared me for this idea. And that's why this idea is also going to be different from all the previous 'hobby-turned-side-hustle' ideas I had in the past.

I had tried before to create a fashion business or a weaving business or just to simply make and sell art. They weren't bad ideas, but I was never fully invested in any of them because I couldn't see how to make them make a real income. It didn't help that I had no idea how create or run a business and I was way too scared to actually try. But now I've seen that it's possible, and I've developed a strategy to make it profitable.

Most importantly, I've learned what I want. The majority of knowing what you want is knowing what you don't want. I've learned a lot of lessons in what not to do. So now I'm drawing on all my previous experiences in all my many different jobs to pull together the best parts of each of them to create the best business I know how.

I'm grateful to be at this stage. To have a great idea and the knowledge, experience, skills, and motivation to have it all come together to make it a reality.



