
Redheads are the epitome of fierce. But what exactly does fierce mean? It's one of those words that you feel you know, but honestly, I don't think I'd ever read the true definition: Fierce - "having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness"

The definition surprised me. The word aggressive has such negative connotation; it's not a word I would use to describe myself nor redheads in general, or anyone, really. Fierce is positive. Intense, yes, but also strong, resilient, determined, and a bit stubborn.

To me, and for this brand, fierce is about a woman overcoming challenges with strength and determination. She's powerful, and she's not going to take shit from anyone. She's not mean or aggressive, but she does know what she wants and is not afraid to go after it. And she has no time or patience for those who are in her way or against her, so she has no problem leaving those things behind if they don't serve her.

That is the woman I want to be. She knows her worth, and she won't take anything less than what she deserves. I want my clothes to convey those qualities and help the women who wear them to feel that. We all need reminders of this sometimes, and sometimes all it takes is a good outfit to feel that powerful fierceness.



