
powerful, fierce, enigmatic

I chose these 3 words to represent my brand and because I think they represent redheads in general, and they are what I want to feel when I wear my clothes. Well, I want to feel that all the time, even without clothes. But as I stated before, clothes make us feel things, and they can also be a costume that we change daily to represent how we want to feel.

There are cliche's about this: "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have." "Fake it 'til you make it." We can fake how we want to feel by wearing clothes that help us act the way we want to feel.

Years ago, when I first started taking yoga, I was getting stronger each class and doing progressively difficult positions. I was finally able to hold a crow pose, after weeks of practicing and feeling like I'd never be able to do it, I finally did it. At the end of class during reflection, I was overwhelmed with a sense of power. It was exhilarating. Suddenly, I was strong enough to do something I thought I was too weak to do. Suddenly I was powerful. I started going to classes setting my intention to feel powerful. Not in a way where I wanted to hold power over someone else; I just wanted to feel strong and capable of doing anything. Physically and mentally. Physically I was getting stronger and more capable, but my thoughts had changed as well. I went from doubting my abilities to knowing that they would come, with a little time and practice.

I share this moment with you because it was so pivotal in my life. It was the moment I knew that I was powerful. I was a human being on this earth just like everyone else, and even if I felt weak or insignificant, I had power over my body, my thoughts, my emotions, and my life. I have the power to adapt and overcome anything. I may have forgotten this from time to time, but the lesson lives inside me and always comes back.

Power is such a good word. You feel it when you say it. The word itself has the power to make you feel strong and capable. It resonates inside you and builds you up. Not many other words have that much power.




Creating a Brand