Go Fund Me

My awesome best friend Jesse set up a GoFundMe account for my business. He had to convince me to do it because I wasn't thrilled about asking my friends and family (and strangers) to support me financially. I felt that at this stage in my life, I should be able to do it on my own, and I'm a bit ashamed that I'm not. But this is a huge endeavor, and there's just no way I can do it without help.

I am extremely humbled and also thrilled that so many people are donating to the the GoFundMe page. It means so much more to me than you can imagine. Not only are there people in my life that care about me, they care about my idea and the business I'm creating. They believe in me, my talents, my idea, and my work. Those donations are so much more than just contributions to my business; they are evidence that this business is what I'm supposed to be doing. They are cementing my confidence in myself and my idea. They are the proof that I am on the right path, finally. That money is going to help my business in so many unfathomable ways, but it also helps me to know that I am doing the right thing.

When I first had the idea for Red, everything in my soul screamed YES!!! It was the idea. The idea that I was literally born (as a redhead) to do. The idea that I had been aspiring to since I was little girl making clothes for my Barbies. It was the idea that my life and my career had been waiting for. I've never felt so sure of anything in my life and I've never felt so ready to take it on and do all the work necessary to make it a reality. This is...it.

Maybe you all can see just how great of an idea it is and the potential it has to be a really great brand. Maybe you see all the work I've already put in and dedication I have to making it a successful brand and company. Whatever your reasons for donating, please know I appreciate them. I appreciate the donations and vote of confidence behind them! I cannot wait to prove to you that this will be a success! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

If you’d like to donate or follow the account, you can find it here: Go Fund Me




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