Letting Go

I’m finally learning to embrace the art of letting go. Last year was a difficult year for me. And now that it’s over, I’m realizing it was because I was holding on to things that no longer served me. Things I was scared to lose because I didn’t know what was on the other side of them, even though I knew keeping them was causing me pain.

I was in a relationship that wasn’t delivering what I needed. I was unhappy in it, knowing that I deserved and wanted and needed more from my significant other. I tried for a long time, to provide space and patience for him while I told myself he would eventually come around. I cried often, and justified hanging on because at the time I thought it was better to have a sad relationship than no relationship. But that’s not my usual MO. I’d much rather be alone than to be treated less than I deserve. So why was trying so hard to hold onto something that was so clearly not right for me? First of all, it wasn’t a bad relationship. I wasn’t mistreated in anyway. In fact, he was one of the kindest men I’ve ever dated when were together. But we weren’t together very much. We each had busy lives and a good bit of distance between us. Finding time to be together was difficult, and I think he just didn’t want it as much as I did. There’s no fault in that; ultimately we just wanted different things.

If I hadn’t been so wrapped up in a toxic work environment, I think I would’ve seen and accepted that sooner. Instead, I was blinded by fear. I was terrified at the prospect of losing both my relationship and my job. Because my job felt like it was on the line every single day for over a year. And that job was more than just a job to me. It was my freedom. Ironic then, that I never felt more free as the day I stopped going there.

In just 2 weeks near the end of 2022, I gave up both. I finally realized and made the conscious decision to stop hanging on to whatever possibilities I had dreamt up for my relationship. It was done and over and no matter what happened, I’d never want to go back to that with him. And then less than 2 weeks later, I stopped going into work.

The decision to stop working was terrifying. I cried and panicked constantly. But it was necessary. My mental health had deteriorated so low that I truly felt it was the job or my life. I believed I would not make it to the end of the year if I had continued on that path. I'm grateful to have some very supportive people in my life who assured me that I was making the right decision. Both paths were going to be very difficult, but once I realized what I was actually considering, it was clear which path to take. Because no job is worth your life. Ever.

I had to let go of that job and the relationships I had in it. I had to let go of my income and my perceived stability when it came to paying my bills. I may have to let go of more things as I try to navigate this world of self-employment. But I'm alive. I'm alive in 2023, and I wasn't sure if that was going to happen. So I'm letting go of this past year and still celebrating this new one, and all of its possibilities.


Mental Health


So. Much. Fabric