Photos Coming Soon…

That title has been on the bottom of the collection page for a while now, and it’s been a bit frustrating to not have an actual representation of my clothing on the website. I’ve had so many pieces of the collection completed for a while now that it’s hard to believe I don’t have photos of any of it! But it’s taking quite a lot to get everything to come together for a photoshoot. Some pieces need finishing touches like buttons or snaps sewn on, and others I need to try on to make sure they’ll fit well enough for photos.

There’s also the hassle of creating full ‘looks’ for the photos. I need to make sure I have outfits planned out and ready wear. All of my pieces were designed to be mixed and matched, but depending on which tops I pair with which bottoms, they can give a completely different vibe. And for photos, I want to make sure I show outfits as they will be worn in different settings: a work outfit, a casual outfit, a formal option, and a somewhere-in-between option.

Then there’s accessories! Shoes, jewelry, sunglasses, hats... Each outfit, each setting, each vibe… they all need their own accessories. Sneakers and sunglasses for a casual outfit. Loafers and necklace for business. Heels and statement earrings for formal wear. There are so many things that make up an outfit that aren’t the clothes.

Hair and makeup! My hair is such a mess, and I never, ever do anything with it. I’ve never really learned how to style it properly, mostly because it’s so fine it won’t hold any style I try to do; so I stopped trying. Make up is almost as difficult, and that’s because I’m a redhead. Aside from the pale skin and need for spf in all my makeup, my eyelashes and eyebrows are very light and invisible. I have to wear something on those just to make them visible, but they don’t exactly make red mascara. I wear black mascara, which works, but if you think about it, makes no sense. And I was lucky enough to find a red/blond eyebrow gel on clearance a few years back; it was labeled blond but clearly put on clearance because it’s definitely red. Like, my exactly shade of red/blonde; I bought all they had, and I’m so careful with them because I want them to last my lifetime.

I’m learning that getting ready for a photoshoot is like packing for a trip, except I don’t have the fun of actually going anywhere. Though it will be a ton of fun to get dressed up and take pictures. I’m excited to be at this stage. All the clothing is made, the samples are perfect and beautiful, and now all I need is to put them on, pose, and post! How cool is that?!




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