Under the Weather

I've been feeling a bit under the weather the past few days. Nothing too serious, but enough to make me too exhausted to get much done. I think it was a cortisol crash, at least that's what I call it hen I get like this. I have thyroid and adrenal issues, and every so often my body has enough stress or exertion that it can't produce enough cortisol to keep up, which forces me to rest and recover. I spent most of the past 2 days in bed, on the couch, or asleep on the floor. It's not pretty. And it's extremely frustrating. But I'm used to it. I generally know how to prevent it, and even when it does happen, I know that some extra TLC is all I need to get back to normal.

As frustrating as it is, I'm actually grateful for it. First of all, this level of exhaustion used to be my normal, for years. It took a lot of meds, rest, self-care, and more rest to get back to being able to live a normal life. I learned a lot about my health and my body through that process, and I'm extremely grateful that I can live normally again. And second, I don't get really sick anymore. It's dramatic, but when my body gets like this, it's the first sign that I will get truly sick if I don't take care of myself. So, I take care of myself, and I'm better within a day or two. If I didn't get this warning sign, and I didn't take care of myself, I have no doubt I would have succumbed to much more serious illnesses that would've taken me out of commission for much longer.

So, I've been resting and hydrating and I'm feeling better. I should be back to full speed tomorrow, just in time to travel to the Atlanta Apparel Market! I'll be checking it out to see if I want to show my collection during the next exhibit and to get an idea of how it all works and what I might need that I haven't thought of yet. It should be quite educational and fun!


Nearly Done

