April Showers

Where did April go?!

First it was taxes, then more product photos, then a haircut and a new job, and suddenly, April is nearly over! I don’t know how that happened. I’ve been stressing about a lot of different things, but I’m happy that most of them are over and done with.

Most importantly: the website is done! Well… the website is never complete; there will always be updates and changes to be made. However, I feel like the website is exactly where I want it to be and any changes I will need to make will be minor. I’m happy with the design of the site, the pages, and all the content. My entire collection is complete, with photos, and available for purchase from the shop page. It’s a bit anti-climactic. Most items have been available for a little while now, but I made a few changes with styles and designs and names and fabrics, and now I’m happy with every piece in the collection, individually and as a group.

It’s taken a lot of work to get to this point. It’s a bit surreal to be at this stage because now… now I need to focus on the business side of things. Sales and marketing and accounting. So far the work has been very creative, and now I need to switch gears and become very sales-y. I’m not good at that. Not compared to my creative endeavors and especially not with my own work. I definitely have some imposter syndrome going on when it comes to selling my talents.

So, this is going to be challenging. It’s going to be a lot of putting myself out there, hoping for sales, and then hoping I have the time and energy and fabric to fulfill those sales!


Collection Launch


New Names