Back to Business

We've made it to April! I'm quite grateful to be beginning a new month with what feels like a clean slate.

March was an exhausting month for me. I've been so scattered and torn and unable to make decisions. I've been on so many interviews, trying to find a better source of income, when in reality, the only income I need to focus on is the one my own business can bring in. If I could just spend the necessary time on my own stuff, it will begin to pay out, and I won't have to worry about any other jobs.

So, that's what I'm doing. I'm focusing on my own business again. No more crappy retail jobs that use up all my time and energy. I have a plan… even if this kind of came about by accident; I had several job offers, and before I accepted one, I gave notice at the current one, thinking that I'd make a decision by the time my 2 weeks was up. But I didn't. I just kept going on more interviews to different places, and I still don't like any of the offers I've received. They weren't all bad, but none of them were great either. It was like I was trading out one shitty retail job for another, each with their own separate set of pros and cons. It might be worth it, but the amount of stress and energy it takes to learn a new job doesn't seem worth hopping around from retail gig to retail gig until I find one that's live-able, because the truth is, retail isn't live-able. And it's not something I even want. What I want is to get my own business off the ground. And that will not happen if I'm unable to focus on the work I need to do to get it going. So, I’ve finished my 2 weeks, and while I won’t completely give up the job search, I’m also not going to accept a job that I really don’t want to do or don’t feel good about. Life is too short to spend all my time feeling miserable about a job.

The month of April will be busy. There are a lot of things I need to do but first, I'm going to get back to marketing through socials. I've barely been posting because I've barely been working, but now that I'm back at it full-time, expect me to be sharing a lot more. And if you like reading about all my ups and downs, sign up for emails! Mostly I’ll just be alerting you to new blog posts, but soon enough, I might even start having some sales!


Cut List


Coverstitch Part 2