Coverstitch Part 2

I've had this machine for a few days now, and it's ... hard. I suppose that's why it was almost impossible to find for sale online; most places made you buy in-person because they came with lessons. So, I'm not delusional. I knew it would have a learning curve to it, especially since I've never used a cover stitch machine before.

But I must be a bit delusional. Or egotistical. Because I thought I'd be able to figure it out pretty quickly and be sewing like a boss in no time. And to some degree that's true. I watched what videos I could find on the machine, and started playing with it. I can thread it easily, I understand how to do all the different stitches, and I understand the different settings for different fabrics. It works really well as long as I plan each seam ahead and adjust the machine accordingly.

That sounds like a no-brainer, except I don't normally have to adjust settings when I sew. Sure, there's the occasional stitch length adjustment between basting and sewing, or maybe the differential feed on the serger, but for the most part, the basic settings work for the majority of what I'm sewing.

Not with this machine. It seems like I have to make adjustments for each seam I sew. For instance, I thought I'd test the machine out by making a pair of underwear. The side seams need a different setting than the leg holes and another different setting for the waist, and that's because I want them all to look a little bit different. The side seams use all 3 needles and all 5 threads. The leg holes I want 2 needles and only 3 threads. The waist I want 2 needles farther apart and 3 threads.

Maybe it's silly to do all these different seam styles on one garment. Maybe underwear wasn't the best project to make to learn a brand new machine. Maybe I just need to practice some basic hems first.

Mostly, I just need to practice with it. So, that's what I'll be doing for the next couple days...sewing and practicing on some knits!


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Coverstitch Machine