Coverstitch Machine

I bought another new machine. This one is capable of a very fancy stitch that makes stretch garments look professional. I’m learning to use it so that I can leggings, bindings, and most importantly, stretchy hems. A while back I met with lululemon; did you know that they provide free hemming?! Well, my local store doesn’t have anyone near who can hem leggings, so they ship them off to another state, which makes the turn around time about 2 weeks. This doesn’t work well in a vacation destination, so the store then has to ship the finished garments to customer after they’ve gone back home. Enter me! I can sew! I can hem pants locally and make your turn around time much faster!

So, I met with them a few months ago and have been in talks about becoming their local hemmer. It’s been a bit of a long process, and I had a few things I needed to acquire which included insurance (I needed that anyway), and a coverstitch machine (which I’ve wanted for years).

With my ‘fuck it’ mentality that I adopted at the beginning of this year, I decided to just buy the machine. It felt like a case of ‘you’ve got to spend money to make money,’ and without the machine I would not be able to sew for them. Without the machine, I’d be stuck doing retail forever. That was my justification. And now, I’ve got a meeting with them to test my skills and hopefully start taking on some sewing work. I’m so excited! This wasn’t exactly the direction I wanted to go with Red, but it’s the first step to making my own money. And that is exhilarating. For the first time, I’l have my own clients under my own business and I’ll be making money for myself instead of working for someone else. How fucking cool is that?!


Coverstitch Part 2


Job Search