Job Search

I've been job searching. Again. I don't like the job I'm at right now. Apart from the bad attitudes and just general, overall negative vibe in the building, it's been extremely, unnecessarily stressful.

I know a lot of the stress I'm feeling is self-imposed by my own imposter syndrome and perfectionism. But a lot of it also comes from the job making no sense. It's hard, when it doesn't have to be. And that's everything I was trying to avoid with a job right now. I'm trying to build a business, which is already stressful and exhausting. I need some income that doesn't take too much energy so that I have plenty left on my days off to focus on Red.

Because this business is the most important thing right now. I'm working very hard trying to get this up and running and generating an income so that I don't have to work anywhere else. But until that happens, I will have to find another job that takes a bit less energy.

The worst part of all of this is the amount of energy I've expended on the search and interview process. The last few weeks I've been dedicating most of my free-time to applications or interviews, and while that's paying off, it's made me sad to put a pause on my own work. Hopefully I'll have a new job in the next week or two, and will be able to get back to sewing and designing, because I have a lot of great new ideas to work on and share!


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